August 8, 2024
Anderson and Girvan have the Tortoises installed. I will go back and add spring wire as I wire each Tortoise and feeders. I found it quicker and less congestion from wires to install all Tortoises in an area at once. Using the jig, I drill just one starter hole, then attach the Tortoise, then an addition 2 screws so 2 up front and one in the rear. My trusty Black and Decker Gyro will drive the screws without a pilot hole. It has lasted thru 2 layouts – over 400 Tortoise installs. They are no longer available.
Screw holes and seams were covered with sheetrock mud, awaiting sanding. Also, phone housings installed in Red Bluff and Cottonwood. Bezels were installed in Red Bluff giving the area a finished look on the fascia.